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Understanding Autoimmune T1D disease & Different Stages

A trigger initiates an autoimmune attack on the beta cells of the pancreas through autoreactive T cells 10

T1D is an autoimmune disease caused by an autoimmune response against pancreatic beta cells3

T1D is not primarily a metabolic disease; in T1D, the immune system attacks pancreatic beta cells, hindering their ability to produce insulin3
The body is no longer able to produce insulin once beta cells have been destroyed by the immune system3
Lack of production of insulin leads to hyperglycaemia3
A criticial deficiency of insulin causes DKA to occur8, a traumatic event which can have a lasting negative impact on brain function 1,9

DKA,diabetic ketoacidosis; T1D, type 1 diabetes.


The rate of autoimmune T1D progression varies significantly; it can take months to decades for symptoms to develop.1,6

70% of children with multiple autoantibodies progress to symptomatic autoimmune T1D within 10 years.*10

5-year risk of progressing to symptomatic autoimmune T1D (Stage 3)6:

From Stage 1

From Stage 2

The lifetime risk of progressing to symptomatic autoimmune T1D (Stage 3) from Stages 1 and 2 approaches 100%. 6

Screening can transform lives by detecting the condition before symptoms develop.6,8,9

IQR, interquartile range; T1D, type 1 diabetes.
*In a pooled analysis of three prospective cohort studies including children from Colorado, Finland and Germany, progression to autoimmune T1D at 10-year follow-up after autoantibody seroconversion in 585 children with multiple autoantibodies was 69.7% (95% CI, 65.1%-74.3%).10

Autoimmune T1D is a progressive condition; the decline of beta cell function can begin months to years before symptoms appear.1,5,6

People with autoimmune T1D progress through three clinically distinct stages as their beta cells are progressively destroyed.4,6,7

The lifetime risk of progressing to symptomatic autoimmune T1D (Stage 3) from Stages 1 and 2 approaches 100%. 6

Screening can transform lives by detecting the condition before symptoms develop.6,8,9

T1D, type 1 diabetes.
*Reversion to single autoantibody or negative status can occur in some people with previously confirmed multiple autoantibody positivity.4


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