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Measures of disease severity in eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)

Dysphagia symptom questionnaire

The Dysphagia Symptom Questionnaire (DSQ) is a patient-reported assessment that measures the frequency and severity of dysphagia associated with eosinophilic esophagitis.2

How the DSQ is scored

The patients record their dysphagia symptoms within the previous 24 hours by answering up to 4 questions. Patients who answer “Yes” to Questions 1 and 2 proceed to Question 3; Question 4 is a standalone item. The maximum score is 84.2 ≥ 8 diary entries taken over a 14-day period, and the average daily score is multiplied by 14.

Higher scores indicate more frequent or more severe dysphagia2

  • 0 (no dysphagia)

  • 84 (frequent, severe dysphagia)

5-Item EoE Symptom questionnaire

The 5-Item EoE Symptom Questionnaire (EoE-SQ-Frequency) is a patient- reported assessment that measures the frequency of symptoms other than dysphagia or swallowing pain, including chest pain, stomach pain, heartburn, regurgitation, and vomiting.3

How the EoE-SQ-Frequency is Scored

Patients record their symptoms using a 5-point response option ranging from “Never” to “More than once a day.” The maximum score is 25.3

EoE-SQ-frequency questionnaire3

During the past 7 days, how often did you experience...

  • Chest pain
  • Stomach pain
  • Burning feeling in your chest (heartburn)
  • Food or liquid coming back up into your throat
  • Throw up

Higher scores indicate greater symptom severity and frequency3

  • 5 (no symptoms)
  • 25 (frequent symptoms)


MAT-BH-2200615/V1/August 2022