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Burden of Disease

RSV Is a Common Respiratory Virus With Symptoms Varying by Age-Group



RSV Causes Substantial Disease Burden for Newborns and Infants Globally

Based on 2019 global data.


RSV Disease in Infants - GG - V1

RSV Disease in Infants - GG - V1

RSV is a Leading Cause of LRTIs Among Infants Worldwide1,2

Estimated Percentage of acute LRTI attributable to RSV infection

LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection.
Data are derived from different studies and over different years.

a Only includes hospitalizations due to bronchiolitis; bRSV was a cause of 28% of all hospitalization cases in infants in France. 


Prevalence in RSV hospitalized with bronchiolitis during seasonal epidemics

 aCoronavirus type OC43, 229E, NL63, and HKU1. Age range of children not specified.


RSV Average Hospitalization days

5.9 days   in hospital

6.5 days   in hospital

total of 754 beds (502 inpatient beds, 56 emergency beds, 77 ICU beds, 32 psychiatry beds, and 87 special auxiliary beds).

AComorbidities assessed: congenital cardiopathies, 2.3%; congenital defects with cardiac affectation, 0.7%; prematurity, 0.3%; bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 1%.


RSV Causes Substantial Hospitalization Among All Infants and Young Children In Spain

Epidemiologic survey in Spain estimating the burden of RSV in all children <5 years of age during a 15-year period (1997–2011)1

hospital discharges


Due to bronchiolitis in children <5 years of age

5.9 days
in hospital


on average in children ≤2 years of age

4,136/100,000 incidence of hospitalization during 1st year of life


highest incidence among all age ranges



355 (80%) <12 months of age 335 (75%) without comorbidities*

96.8 % of children were otherwise healthy


Only 3.2% of children <5 years of age presented with ≥1 comorbidity*

AComorbidities assessed: congenital cardiopathies, 2.3%; congenital defects with cardiac affectation, 0.7%; prematurity, 0.3%; bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 1%.

