
Ya está disponible en nuestra plataforma InTen el simposio "Induction therapy in expanded criteria donation" que tuvo lugar en el marco del congreso de la ESOT. 



Welcome and introduction

Professor Mario Schiffer (Chair)

Improving access and outcomes with expanded criteria donation: The state of the art and outlook in 2023
Professor Rainer Oberbauer
Using risk assesment in expanded criteria donation
Professor Mario Schiffer
Anti-thymocyte globulin (rabbit) as an option for induction of immunosuppression in expanded criteria donation
Dr. Christophe Masset
Q&A and closing remarks
All faculty


dr mohamad mohty

Professor Mario Schiffer
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany.

Professor Rainer Oberbauer
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

Dr Zinaida Perić

Dr. Christophe Masset
Nantes University Hospital Nantes, France.

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MAT-ES-2302624 V1 – Octubre 2023